Certified Roasters of Fair Trade Organic Coffee
Coffee Express Roasting Co. is certified by Fair Trade USA as a roaster of Fair Trade Organic Coffee. The label is your assurance that the farmers who grow the coffee are receiving a fair price for their harvest. We are certified organic by OCIA.
We’re proud to offer the highest quality organic coffee available. To best serve you, we offer decaffeinated variants of many of our organic coffees. Browse our extensive collection below, and you’re sure to find something that is to your satisfaction.

Our Comprehensive Selection of Organic Coffee
This is an outstanding example of a fine organic coffee. Full-bodied and moderately acidic, with a striking aroma and a sweet flavor that is sure to please.
Mexican coffee is typically light-bodied and nutty, but can also be heavier, with a bright acidity and overtones of chocolate. Like it’s conventionally grown counterpart, this coffee is grown at a high altitude and has good aroma and acidity.
This shade-grown coffee bean produces a smooth cup with bright acidity and a medium body. The flavor is fruity and lively with a sweet after-taste.
New Guinea
Papua New Guinea has a moderately rich, full-bodied, and slightly sweet flavor in the cup. An elegant, smooth, and well-balanced Fair Trade Organic Coffee, it is guaranteed to please any coffee lover’s palate.
House Blend
Our master roasters blend just the right complementary varieties of the finest Latin American and African coffees into one coffee selection that represents the best of all the types used. This coffee has all the body, aroma, and rich taste necessary for a great cup every time.
French Roast
Just as with the conventional dark roasts, this coffee is stronger because of the longer roasting time. It’s wonderful for espresso, but also great as an everyday cup of coffee.
Decaf Peru
A light, fruity, well- balanced flavor with a bright taste in the cup.
Decaf French Roast
A rich and robust dark roast decaf with all the hearty taste of its conventional counterpart. Excellent for use in your decaf espresso drinks.
This organic features a smooth, buttery, pea-nutty flavor. The acidity is medium, with a soft body. This profile creates a sweet and deeply dimensioned coffee with a pleasantly spicy undertone.
The wonderful flavor, good body, balanced acidity, and pleasant aftertaste of the conventional Guatemalan selection, with the added benefit of being organically grown and Fair Trade.
Ethiopia Yrgacheffe
Mellow body and a slightly sharp sweetness in the cup define this as a truly fine organic Ethiopian coffee.
Timor is a unique coffee with pleasantly unusual flavors. Look for highlights of caramel and toasted pumpkin seed flavors that evolve into a vanilla and sweet chocolate aftertaste as you savor this fine coffee.
House Blend w/Dark Roast
Complimenting varieties of certified organic Latin American and African coffees mixed with just a hint of dark roast make this option one of our most popular selections. Displaying all the body, aroma, and taste a coffee lover could ask for, this blend is robust but smooth and satisfying.
Italian Roast
This is the darkest of the dark roasts. With an intense, smoky, yet sweet flavor, this is a favorite for use in brewing espresso drinks.
Decaf Sumatra
Deeply rich in earthy flavor, this decaf is also quite low in acid. Only a Sumatran could deliver flavor and body like this in a decaffeinated coffee. The full-body, earthy aroma and mellow acidity make this a standout.
This organic Peruvian coffee has a light, fruity, well-balanced flavor with a bright taste in the cup.
Costa Rica
Of coffee grown in Central America, Costa Rican is known for having the best balance of fruit, nut, and depth. The country has worked to develop a thriving Fair Trade Organic Coffee market, producing a very fine cup.
Organic Sumatra coffees capture the same wild jungle essence found in the conventional Sumatran. The earthy, deep, complex, and full-bodied flavor is there, along with the low acidity and creamy, sweet taste of a really good Sumatran.
Mocha Java
This classic blend of heavy-bodied Sumatra, with bright and spicy Ethiopian results in a consistently good cup, continuing the tradition of the conventional in this Fair Trade Organic Coffee option. It’s an exotically enjoyable, smooth, and aromatic cup.
House Full City Roast
A test of the roaster’s skill, this blend of Latin American and African coffees are specially selected by our master roasters to create this Fair Trade Organic Coffee option. One of our most popular selections, it is lighter than the dark roast but darker than the standard to produce a rich, full-bodied taste.
Decaf Mexico
Though light-bodied, the delicate tang and bright aroma identify it as a fine and tasty example of Mexican beans.
Decaf House Blend
Our master roasters blend complementary varieties of the finest organic fair trade decaffeinated coffees into one that represents the best of both decaf and Fair Trade Organic coffees. So rich and flavorful, you'll never guess it's a decaf.