Flavorful South American Coffee
Even though Colombia and Brazil share -and dominate economically- the continent, the two coffees couldn't exhibit more of a taste difference. Peru is the third variety from our Southern Hemisphere neighbors.

Available South American
Colombia Supremo
A more select grade than Excelso, this blend has a bold flavor and aroma.
El Salavador
Grown at over 3000ft. These beans possess a balance of light flowery acidics, exceptional aromatics and a medium body.
Colombia Excelso
Deserving of its popularity, this blend is known for its smooth, aromatic, and rich in flavor.
Sumatra Mandheling
Heavy bodied with a full robust and earthy taste. Like most Indonesian beans, it's low in acid.
Brazil Cerrado
From the world's largest coffee-producing nation, the Cerrado region produces beans that are soft and pleasant in the cup.
Peru SHB
Smooth and mellow with a mild acidity and light body.